Philadelphia Rugby

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PWRFC firmly stands with Black folx everywhere and against all forms of racism, bigotry, violence and hate. We recognize the inherited and lived trauma of people of color (POC) and we fully support the protest of any and all oppressive institutions. PWRFC believes in respect, on and off the pitch, and equality, for everyone, everywhere. We vow to fight for all marginalized peoples, especially those of color, in this moment, and every moment hereafter until we are all on an equal playing field.

A Short List of Resources for Ways to Contribute:

  • Educate yourself. The Anti-Racism Resources for White People Google Doc is a good place to start.

  • Join us in donating to advocacy groups such as Reclaim Philadelphia.

  • VOTE! Especially in your local elections for positions like judges, mayors, and district attorneys, as these offices are crucial for determining how the police are funded and prosecuted.

    • Also, read up on the candidates in-advance! It is very important that POC are represented!

  • Contribute to a protest; actions include marching, providing supplies (i.e. water, snacks, medical supplies, etc.), or aiding as a medic (if qualified). Be sure to keep each other safe while protesting and wear PPE at all times.

  • Clean-up Black neighborhoods or help provide supplies (i.e. gloves, trash bags, etc.). Major corporations and wealthy downtown areas will likely bounce back quickly and do not require as much direct support.